Your EMT Salary
EMT salary vary widely depending on what level of training, certification and EMT jobs you have, your geographical location or where you work, the agency you work for, whether in the private or public sector, and any additional bonuses. There are compensation and healthcare benefits similar to policemen and firemen in your area.
Generally EMT’s earn less than paramedics since paramedics have a higher level of EMT training. Paramedic salary are almost twice as much as salaries for EMT. EMT Basic can expect an EMT salary of between $22,000 – $34,000, and EMT Intermediate can earn as high as $42,000 yearly plus overtime and benefits depending on these and other factors. For paramedics in the early years of their career, they can earn between $28,000 and $40,000 and in later year when they have more experience they can earn between $50,000 and $70,000 in their paramedic jobs.
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Employment Statistics for Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics, the lowest 10% percent earns $9.48 hourly wage or $19,710 annually. These are associated with rural areas and other private emergency services companies. The upper 10% earn $24.70 hourly wage or $51,370 annually. These levels of pay can be found in major cities with great number of population.
Top States and Areas with the highest EMT Salary
The top highest paying states for EMT’s and paramedics are:
District of Columbia: $49,870,
Alaska: $48,050,
Hawaii: $47,920,
Oregon: $44,570,
Washington: $43,530
The top metropolitan areas with the highest annual wage include:
Tacoma, WA Metropolitan Division: $65,880
Coeur d’Alene, ID: $62,070
Anchorage, AK: $52,310
San Francisco-San Mateo-Redwood City, CA Metropolitan Division: $50,950
Portsmouth, NH-ME: $50,630
Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV Metropolitan Division: $50,190
Olympia, WA: $49,840
El Centro, CA: $48,950
Portland-Vancouver-Beaverton, OR-WA: $48,600
Harrisonburg, VA: $48,070
Top paying non metropolitan areas are the following:
Linn County, Oregon: $56,740
Northwestern Washington: $50,760
Railbelt / Southwest Alaska: $50,470
Southeast Alaska: $49,970
Eastern Washington: $45,590
These numbers are as of May 2010, for the updated figures for EMT salary and EMT jobs you can visit the US Bureau of Labor Statistics website.
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